Timeline Marketplace Communities Businesses Login

About riba-x!

Riba-x is a leading Social-Commerce (Search-Connect- and Communities) platform; a business-social ecosystem with a network of infrastructure that drives up volumes in sales and delivery of goods and services. We connect buyers, sellers, makers, manufacturers, delivery services, merchants driving more traffic to them thus increasing transactions and growth of their businesses.

Innovative Tool!

Within the ecosystem, we provide innovative technology and tools that provides visibility, connectivity and intelligent information to match products and services to the most valuable customer and vice-verca.

The Riba-x Social Space

The Timeline is a simple user-friendly interface where user posts, messages, pictures and video clips are displayed in order which they are posted, with the most recent on top. In the Social space, users can make posts, connect with people, respond to and follow posts. Users can also develop their Circle (My Circle) which includes "Followers", "Following", Businesses, Products and Services.

The Riba-x Community

A large Community of interests groups set up to enable people a dedicated collaboration room to connect, share, and forge a deeper bond on discussions mutual interest. Communities are created and managed by people on Riba-x. Admins enforce Community rules.

The Riba-x Marketplace

The Riba-x Marketplace is a simple user-friendly interface (on Web and App) that enables buyers, sellers and other service providers to search for, buy and sell products and services online. The Riba-x Market place helps all users to expand their reach through increase in actitives and business promotions,providing competitive prices for products and Services.

The Riba-x Delivery Services

The Delivery Services allows businesses to have their products (goods, items) delivered to buyers by utlizing the most effect and efficient ways within the ecosystem. Buyers complete product orders by a choice to select one of the accredited Delivery Services Providers closest to you

The Riba-x Payment Reconciliation

Payment is managed through a streamlined process that engenders trust across the ecosystems such that payments are processed accurately and in a timely manner for products and services.